create a tilemap with Tiled
The tilemap editor provided by AngoraEditor is limited and only support simple modify. So, before you import the tilemap into AngoraEditor, you need to create a map with other Advance Tilemap editor, for example the 'Tiled'. for more information, please visit [Tiled]( (please export the tilemap into json file.)
create a tilemap node
When you've created your basic tilemap with 'Tiled', you can import it to the editor with resource management. To import the tilemap, you need to upload the json file and tileset images.

after successly import the tilemap to resources. you can set the tilemap property of tilemap node.
modify and comfirm
When you success bind the tilemap to a tilemap node. you can modify and get preview of the tilemap. firstly, select the 'tilemap' on the mainmenu or right click the tilemap Div and select 'tilemapeditor' on contextmenu.

you can select the modify layer on the layer pane right-up, then choose the tileset on the pane right-bottom. if you want to remove a tile, right click on the tile. after you finish modify, click 'ok', the modification will save the the json file, and the preview will show on the stage.(the tilemap show on stage are not editable.)

you can put sprites on the right position on map with the map preview.